Monday, July 21, 2014

Planet of the Apes (1968)

  Three astronauts traveling through time and space crash land on what they think to be a new planet similar to the Earth. Soon, they realize that they are not the dominant species on this new found land and they have to face a race of apes with human intelligence who enslave and use the unintelligent humans as pets and lab rats...
  Franklin J. Schaffner puts his signature on one of the Sci-Fi's that changed the progress and history of the genre. Based on the novel by Pierre Boulle, Planet of the Apes may seem ultra exploitation and cheap at first glance but there is definitely more than meets the eye. Meddling with issues unknown for its times like human-animal codependency and relationships and of course the still not hot topic of protection the environment, this film manages to provide an intelligent Sci-Fi story with a ton of food for thought and over the top but still earthly special effects that will get you in the mood.
   Charlton Heston is simply enjoyable in his own unique way. Presenting a person fed up with humans and their miserable doings, Heston becomes a mature hero with a brain beyond his time, ready to take on new challenges in the universe. I personally see a fine allegory drawn as Heston being humanity on the verge of  change. Roddy McDowall and Kim Hunter co-star but sadly not much can be said about their acting as they are in a suit.
Must watch this : with intelligent company and cold salad on a hot summer night. Take time to discuss the topics manifested on the film and feel like the highly intellectual being that you must. Wonder if we are indeed as intelligent as we think and cool off with that hairy mofo.
So, yeah I smoked the whole bowl!
Ape Police brutality
Fuck the police

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