The story of a red humanoid demon conjured by a secret Nazi group but raised from infant by an American professor. Hellboy, as he was named, is trained and devoted to confronting the forces of evil that threaten our world. When Rasputin, the man who conjured him, comes back to bring the end of the world, Hellboy must act quickly...
When you see Guillermo del Toro's name signed in a film like that then you should be sure that this film is going to be very good. With much less mambo jumbo than the average Marvel comics film, Hellboy manages to pay a very iconic tribute to the well-known hero and elevate his status to a new-found glory. For 2004, the film has very complicated special effects but not so elaborate to make it a kitsch special effects film!
Ron Perlman deserves a "Job well done" from all comic hero fans from all over the world. His face is like it was destined to someday play Hellboy (with the mandatory make-up of course). John Hurt and Selma Blair react very well around Perlman as his step-dad and love thing, respectively. Rupert Evans gets in the way as a nanny, Doug Jones knows just about everything and Karel Roden is Rasputin. Nuff said!
Must watch this : go to the nearest tobacco and cigar shop and get yourself a big-ass cigar. After you have prepared a manly dinner (take-out or steak are the only two respectable options here), enjoy this movie accordingly.
I am just not getting paid enough |
Why is always me to get dirty? |
Now what am I supposed to do? |
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